ALEXANDRIA, VA. — The North American Renderers Association (NARA) is celebrating a win as several of the association’s key priorities have been included in the Farm, Food and National Security Act of 2024 which advanced through the House Agriculture Committee on May 24. NARA commended Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-Pa.), chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, for his leadership in moving the Farm Bill forward and members of both parties for their support of NARA’s legislative priorities.
“This significant progress highlights the effective advocacy and strategic efforts undertaken by NARA to support and advance the interests of the rendering industry,” NARA said.
The following are included in NARA’s list of key priorities in the Farm Bill:
Doubling Market Access Program (MAP) and Foreign Market Development (FMD) funding — This increase in funding, listed in Section 3201, will enhance NARA’s ability to promote US agricultural products overseas.
Focus on food waste management — Section 4307 (subsections e and f) mandates the USDA Food Loss and Waste Liaison must submit an annual report to Congress detailing activities aimed at avoiding or managing market disruption and summarizing communication and coordination efforts with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Inclusion of rendering in the Butcher Block Act — The new meat processing grant program (established in Section 6305) now includes rendering activities. In addition, rendering is specified in the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) workforce training program under Section 7053(D). Mentioning rendering in these sections of the Farm Bill will help provide support for rendering operations and workforce development, leading to continued growth and modernization of the rendering industry.
Codification of USDA authority to negotiate regionalization agreements under the SAFE Act — Section 12004 codifies the USDA’s authority to negotiate regionalization agreements, a critical component of the Securing America’s Food Economy (SAFE) Act. This provision will strengthen the USDA’s capacity to manage animal health emergencies and trade disruptions, which will help protect the stability and security of the food supply chain.
“These achievements reflect NARA’s dedication to advocating for policies that benefit their members and the rendering industry and contribute to the agricultural circular bioeconomy,” NARA said. “Today’s committee markup is an important step toward passing a farm bill this year, and we are encouraged to see the process underway. NARA looks forward to working with both parties and chambers to ensure the inclusion of these provisions in the bill that is ultimately enacted into law.”
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